Anglais (US ou GB) sur plateforme en illimité

Public visé :
Tous public

Prérequis : 
Ordinateur et accès internet

Objectif(s) pédagogique (s) 

Apprendre les bases grammaticales et lexicales. (1)
Décrire son environnement, sa situation personnelle et professionnelle. (1)
Communiquer de façon simple sur des sujets familiers. (1)
Tenir une conversation simple sur des sujets liés au travail, l’école, les loisirs(1)
Faire face à des situations au cours d’un voyage dans un pays anglophone (2)
S’exprimer à l’oral et à l’écrit de manière simple sur ses expériences et ses ambitions(2)
Formuler des courtes explications relatives à un projet ou opinion(2)
Comprendre le contenu essentiel de sujets concrets ou abstraits(3)
Comprendre une discussion technique dans sa spécialité(3)
D’exprimer de façon claire et détaillé sur une grande gamme de sujets(3)
Emettre un avis sur un sujet d’actualité et exposer les avantages et inconvénients de différentes possibilités.(3)
Durée et modalité d’organisation :
Formation à distance via une plateforme de e-learning :
Level 1 : 60 heures
Level 2 : 60 heures
Level 3 : 60 heures

Formation avec le formateur : 3 heures (3 séances d’1 heure)

Lieux :

Formation à distance

Accessibilité :
Pour toute situation de handicap merci de nous contacter pour envisager la faisabilité.

Délai et modalités d’accès : 
Jusqu’à 48h avant le début du module.

Tarifs : 

Déroulé/contenu de la formation :

Compréhension écrite
 • Points de grammaire et de vocabulaire étudiés pendant le parcours.
Compréhension orale – Écoute audio / Enregistrements audio / Reconnaissance vocale
• De nombreux exemples audio permettent de mémoriser la bonne prononciation.• La fonction d’enregistrement permet de tester et comparer sa prononciation.• La fonction de reconnaissance vocale permet de mesurer la justesse de sa prononciation. •Suite de films animés 
Un déroulé détaillé de chaque niveau peut vous être transmis sur demande. 

Moyen d’encadrement : (Formateur) : 
La formatrice a une licence de langues étrangères appliquées en ANGLAIS délivré par l’Université de la Sorbonne à Paris. Elle est professeur d’anglais depuis 2015. 
Elle a des compétences professionnelles pratiques et théoriques pour guider les stagiaires dans les apprentissages. 

Méthodes mobilisées : (Moyens pédagogiques et techniques)
Apports théoriques
Exemples concrets, animations, vidéos, films animés
Participation active via des exercices
Support téléchargeable

Modalités de suivi et d’évaluation : 
Auto-évaluations régulières
Exercices, questionnaire
Évaluation début et fin de formation 
Feuille d’émargement pour les RDV avec le formateur
Relevé de connexion pour le e-leaning
Certificat de réalisation

Contact : 
Mme Halfon,


Détail formation :

Reflex'English Level 1(A2)
Lesson 1 - Starting out
Grammar • Singular personal subject pronouns • Plural personal subject pronouns • To be in simple present: affirmative and contracted form

Lesson 2 – Are you English?
Grammar • To be + nationality • To be from + country • To be from+ country
Vocabulary • Countries • Nationalities

Lesson 3 – To be…
Grammar • To be in the simple present: affirmative contracted form • To be in the simple present: negative form • To be + adjectives
Vocabulary • The alphabet • Countries • Everyday adjectives

Lesson 4 – …or note to be
Grammar • To be in the simple present – negative form: contraction of the verb • To be in the simple present – negative form: contraction of not • To be in the simple present: interrogative form • To be from: country/city of origin
Vocabulary • The United Kingdom (UK) – Le Royaume-Uni

Lesson 5 - Starting out
Review and Test of Lessons 1 to 4

Lesson 6 – What’s your name?
Grammar • Possessive adjectives • Questions with what • Asking for someone’s name • Giving one’s name • Asking questions • Negative sentences in the simple present • To have got in the simple present • Simple present: negative and interrogative forms 

Lesson 7 – Numbers
Grammar • Numbers from 0 to 20, from 20 to 100, after 100 • Hundred, thousand, million • 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th… 100th • Particular forms
Vocabulary • Calculations, the four basic operations • Around numbers • Around first, second and third • Indeterminate quantities

Lesson 8 – Other numbers
Grammar • After 100th, after 1000th • Fractions• Decimal point, comma
• Zero, nought, oh • Percentages • Phone numbers • Years
Vocabulary • Phrases with percentages and fractions

Lesson 9 – Days, months and seasons
Grammar • Simple present • To be in the simple past • Time expressions with this, next, last
Vocabulary • Days of the week, months of the year, seasons• Phrases with work and day
• Around time • Around “to begin” and “to end” • Temperatures (weather)
• Some important dates in the year (Christmas, Easter)

Lesson 10 – Test lessons 6 to 9
Review and Test of Lessons 6 to 9Vocabulary
• Family • Nationalities • Names

Lesson 11 – Hello and goodbye
Grammar • Good and bad (irregular adjectives)
Vocabulary • Greetings at different times • Saying « hello »: first greetings, friendly greetings, formal
greetings, polite greetings • Saying « goodbye »: informal goodbyes, polite goodbyes • Around soon and late • Around please and nice • Around friend and fine

Lesson 12 – My favourite colour
Grammar • Regular adjectives: comparative and superlative forms • Open and closed questions
Vocabulary • Colours • Around the weather • Traffic lights in England

Lesson 13 – Date of birth
Grammar • Asking for someone’s age • Personal object pronouns • Writing a date • “To be” in the simple past and the simple future • Date of birth • Prepositions “on, in, at”
Vocabulary • Saying one’s age • Saying your date of birth • Numbers, days and months

Lesson 14 – The time
Grammar • Asking and telling the time • In and at to specify a moment • The time: past, to, exact time • Adjectives used with time phrases • Just in time + to/for
Vocabulary • Clocks • Around meals• Talking about timetables• Phrases around time
• Simple present• Possessive pronouns• This/these, that/those• Imperative
• Hair• 2D and 3D Shapes• Around “other”

Lesson 15 – Test lessons 11 to 14
Review and Test of Lessons 11 to 14

Lesson 16 – Where is it?
Grammar• Asking for and giving directions• Beginning / middle / end• Left/right
• Up / down• Bottom / top• Addressing someone• To go + prepositions• Possessive case
Vocabulary • Shops • Means of transport • In a building

Lesson 17 – Turn left!
Grammar• Asking for and giving directions• Could• To tell• Which on or On which?
Vocabulary• Saying “thank you” and answering 

Lesson 18 – My home
Grammar • Locating things around you • There is/are• There isn’t/aren’t
• There is + some / There are + some• There isn’t + any / There aren’t + any
• Is there / Are there + any?• Much / many• Quantifiers
Vocabulary• Rooms• In the bathroom• In the kitchen• Objects and pieces of

Lesson 19 – Around the house
Grammar • Locating things around you• Making suggestions with “let’s”
• Prepositions of space• Quantifiers• Too, also and as well
Vocabulary• Describing the house• Rooms• Some common verbs• Describing size

Lesson 20 – Test lessons 16 to 19
Review and Test of Lessons 16 to 19 

Lesson 21 – Your body
Grammar • Body/Senses-related verbs 
Vocabulary• Parts of the body• the five senses•

Lesson 22 – Clothes and accessories
Grammar • Present participles •
Vocabulary• clothes and accessories• clothing materials

Lesson 23 – Introducing yourself
Grammar • Introducing oneself and others • reflexive pronouns
Vocabulary• Family members• greetings

Lesson 24 – Talking about family
Grammar • Introducing someone • to have got in the simple present• short and long adjectives •prepositions of place
Vocabulary• describing the family• interest •describing a picture

Lesson 25 – Test lessons 21 to 24
Review and Test of Lessons 21 to 24 

Lesson 26 – Whose dog is it?
Grammar • Wh-questions • Possessive pronouns • Talking about possession • Irregular plurals • Possessive case • Some, any, no
Vocabulary• Animals• Talking about family and relatives• To live + prepositions

Lesson 27 - What’s your son’s favourite hobby?
Grammar • Talking about family and relatives • Both • Position of an adjective or an adverb • Simple present • Relative pronouns 
Vocabulary • The united Kingdom of great britain • hobbies • sports
Lesson 28 – At the grocer’s
Grammar • Prepositions « at » and « to » • Very few, few, a few, quite a few • All • Would like • One, ones
Vocabulary• Shops• At the grocer’s• A funny joke• Around funny

Lesson 29 – How many eggs, Madam?
Grammar • How much? or How many? • Quantifiers
Vocabulary• Food and drinks• At the market• At the grocer’s• Phrases for special
numbers• Food quantifiers and containers

Lesson 30 – Test lessons 26 to 29
Review and Test of Lessons 26 to 29        


Détail formation : Reflex'English Level 2(B1)
Lesson 1 – Janice’s interview: Part 1
Grammar • “To be” in the simple present • “To have” in the simple present • Some prepositions: in, on, at or to? • Adverbs of frequency • Wh- question words
Vocabulary• Janice’s interview• Review of Beginner Level

Lesson 2 – Janice’s interview: Part 2
Grammar • Some or any • Comparative form • Superlative form • Possessive adjectives • Possessive pronouns • Prepositions of space
Vocabulary• Janice’s interview• Review of Beginner Level

Lesson 3 – What do you do for a living?
Grammar • Asking and saying one’s job • Asking questions in the simple present • « To be » and affirmative short answers • « To be » and negative short answers • Simple present
Vocabulary• Jobs• Job-related verbs

Lesson 4 – Job talk
Grammar • Simple present: use and construction • Simple present questions with wh- question words • Closed questions and short answers with « do » or « to be » in the simple present • This and that • Adjectives: « good » and « bad » • Plurals • Asking questions with « what » • « To know » in the simple present • « To do » as a verb
Vocabulary• Job talk• In an office• Computer equipment• Working hours• Centres of
interest• Salary

Lesson 5 – Test lessons 1 to 4
Review and Test of Lessons 1 to 4

Lesson 6 – What did you do yesterday?
Grammar• The simple past tense• « To do » in the simple past• « To be » in the simple past
• Simple past: regular verbs• Simple past: irregular verbs
Vocabulary• Phrases with « to have »• « To do » vs. « to make »

Lesson 7 – A short story: Slim Johnson robbed a bank
Grammar• Simple past: some regular verbs• Simple past: some irregular verbs• Simple past: asking questions
Vocabulary• A short story

Lesson 8 – What are you doing, Pete?
Grammar• Present participles• The present continuous• The present continuous: use
• The present continuous: questions with prepositions• The present continuous: particular
cases• Questions tags
Vocabulary• Sense verbs• Around « to think »• Questions with why• Around « to feel »and « to get »

Lesson 9 – It used to be different back then
Grammar• Structures with « used to »• « Used to » and other tenses• Past participles: regular and irregular verbs• Present perfect• « Such » or « such a »• « To be used to »,« to be getting used to »
Vocabulary• Around « the sun »• Around « agriculture »• Comparing things

Lesson 10 – Test lessons 6 to 9
Review and Test of Lessons 6 to 9

Lesson 11 – How long ago was that?
Grammar • Since, for and ago • Adverbs of place with -where • The present perfect simple • The past continuous • The present perfect continuous • That’s/It’s + adjective/noun + infinitive
Vocabulary• Interjections and onomatopoeia• At the doctor’s• At the chemist’s

Lesson 12 – What do you enjoy doing?
Grammar • Expressing likes and dislikes • Likes and dislikes followed by verbs + -ing • Putting nuances in likes and dislikes • To look forward to • Either / or, neither / nor, not / either • « To look » or « to watch » • « So do I », « neither do I », « I do », « I don’t » • All, every, each
Vocabulary • Spare time • Around « spare » • In the garden• Some hobbies and interests• Household chores• Fish ‘n’ chips

Lesson 13 – What are you going to do?
Grammar • Pronouncing the letter « L » • Talking about the future • The future simple with « will » • The near future with « be going to » • Ever, never • Type 1 conditional: the real future • The verb « to explain » • Modal verbs
Vocabulary• Cultural activities• Legal system

Lesson 14 – The time
Grammar • The present conditional • Type 2 conditional • Hypotheses with « what if »+ future or conditional • Still • Expressing wishes and regrets • Reflexive pronouns • Making suggestions
Vocabulary• What would you do?• Talking about fear• Quantifiers: talking about parts• Around « life » 

Lesson 15 – Test lessons 11 to 14
Review and Test of Lessons 11 to 14

Lesson 16 – I need to make a phone call
Grammar• « To need »: modal and regular verb• « Won’t + infinitive » – refusal to work• Must or have to?
Vocabulary• The telephone• Using the phone• Town facilities• To pay, to pay for

Lesson 17 – Dealing with phone conversations
Grammar• « To work » + prepositions
Vocabulary• Phone phrases• Phone conversations• Organizational chart and positions• Company departments 

Lesson 18 – British English versus American English
Grammar• Irregular verbs and regular verbs (GB) ≠ (US)• Present perfect and simple past (GB) ≠ (US)• Phrases with « to have » or « to take »• Phrases with « to have » or « to have got »• Different prepositions• « Like » or « as »• Writing dates• Giving advice with « had better »
Vocabulary• Words ending in a vowel + -L• Spelling differences• Completely different words

Lesson 19 – Thanksgiving: an American tradition
Grammar• The passive voice (past, present, future)• Compound adjectives• The word « meat »: both countable and uncountable
Vocabulary• General knowledge: the USA• Thanksgiving• Holiday (GB) / Vacation (US)• Animals and meat• A song about New York
Lesson 20 – Test lessons 16 to 19
Review and Test of Lessons 16 to 19

Lesson 21 – You didn’t tell her, did you?
Grammar • Question tags • Informal contractions
Vocabulary • Around « secrets and suspicions » • Around « mistake » • Around « back » • Around « unemployment » • « On earth », « the hell »

Lesson 22 – She told me she was coming tonight
Grammar • Reported speech • Present perfect vs. simple past • Despite, in spite of, although, even though • Both or neither 
Vocabulary • TV news • Talking about injuries • Around « to let » • Verbs beginning with « over » • Around « sport »

Lesson 23 – UFO report
Grammar • Adjectives ending in -ish • « Like » or « as »? • Qualifying the size • Expressing certainty • Reported questions, requests and orders
Vocabulary • Outside news • Around « hear » • Around « fire brigade »

Lesson 24 – Weather and climate in the UK
Grammar • Talking about weather forecast • Double comparative (the more…/the more…, the less…/the less…) • Weather idioms
Vocabulary • Weather and climate in the UK • Around rain, clouds, cold, winds, temperature • The compass rose • Geography of the UK

Lesson 25 – Test lessons 21 to 24
Review and Test of Lessons 21 to 24 Lesson 26 – Describing things

Lesson 26 – Describing things
Grammar • Useful questions, order of adjectives • Adverbs: « too » and « enough » • Vague expressions • Question tags: particular case • Contractions of verbs • Made of, from, out of, with • Utility and functions: passive voice structures • Passive voice with « to be made to do (something) » • Paraphrasing
Vocabulary• Describing things• Materials 

Lesson 27 – Describing people
Grammar • Character and behaviour: opposite adjectives • Compound adjectives • Useful verbs: things you can do with your mouth
Vocabulary • Talking about character and behaviour • Talking about age • Around the face • Talking about physical appearance • Talking about height • Talking about weight • Describing hair • Talking about complexion and skin

Lesson 28 – What would you have done?
Grammar • Past conditional • Type III conditional: formation, use • Type III conditional with modal verbs • Type III conditional with « even if » • To be able, can / could • Expressing regrets in the past • Conditional types: review
Vocabulary• At the meeting• Around « to miss »• Around « to bother »

Lesson 29 – Writing emails and letters
Grammar • Around « to write »
Vocabulary • Around emails • Layout of emails • Writing and sending an email • Around regular mail • Layout of a formal letter • Opening salutations, complimentary closes • The

Lesson 30 – Test lessons 26 to 29
Review and Test of Lessons 26 to 29 
Détail formation: Reflex'English Level 3 (B2/C1)

Lesson 01 - Chatting with people living in France: Janice
•Asking for permission •Polite requests •The past tenses Since, for, ago •Types of conditionals Mixed conditionals 
Lesson 02 - Chatting with people living in France: Greg
•Present simple •Simple past and past continuous• Describing a sequence of events I, me, myself •Adjectives followed by prepositions •Adjectives ending in -ed and -ing• Too and enough •Review of pre-intermediate Level •Chatting with Janice Northern Irish food •About Northern Ireland Northern• Ireland in the 20th century in short•Question tags Review of preintermediate Level •Chatting with Greg Weather and climate• The climate in the USA •English as a global language
Lesson 03 - Chatting with people living in France: Mark
•Adverbs: manner, place, time, frequency •Verbs followed by prepositions• Prefixes and suffixes• Present continuous •Verbs of preference followed by verbs + -ing or to + infinitive •Present perfect simple •Present perfect continuous •Review of pre-intermediate Level •Chatting with Mark British cuisine
Lesson 04 - Whatever you say!
•Ever and compounds Emphasizing interrogative pronouns Imperatives and negative imperatives• Verbs followed by gerunds or infinitives Review of preintermediate Level •Illegal behaviour •About punctuality Uncontrolled movements
Lesson 05 - Test Lessons 1 to 4
•Review and Test of Lessons 1 to 4 •Passive forms "Used to" or "did not use to" •Tense review •Complaining about a damaged product •How to write an effective letter of complaint •Useful sentences and vocabulary in complaints Phrases with “up to” Around “to pick up”
Lesson 06 - Writing a letter of complaint
Lesson 07 - Receiving a letter of complaint
•Either, or, neither, nor, not either• Around “so far” • Contractions Imperatives with question tags• To remember vs. to remind Still, already, yet, etc. Tense review•Letter of complaint•Around “disappointment” •Around “to get” •Talking about responsibility•Around “bills” •From maker to user
Lesson 08 - Pronunciation: stress and linking
•Stress Word stress: one-syllable words Word stress: two-syllable adjectives, nouns and verbs• Word stress: three-syllable words and over Word stress: use of prefixes and suffixes Linking •Linking words Variability of English pronunciation
Lesson 09 - Tongue twisters: around phonetics and pronunciation
•The 20 vowel sounds and 24 consonant sounds• Pronouncing the “th” letter group •Pronouncing the short and long “i” sounds •Pronouncing the “s”, “ch”, “tch”, “je”, “dje” sounds •Pronouncing the letter R or not •Pronouncing the letters W, V and F •Pronouncing the "ough" and "augh" letter groups Tongue twisters
Lesson 10 - Test Lessons 6 to 9
Review and Test of Lessons 6 to 9 
Lesson 11 - Travelling through a phonetic labyrinth
•Travelling through a phonetic labyrinth Literacy devices, figures of speech• Travel: at the airport• Around poems and poetry 
Lesson 12 - Let’s speak fast! - Part 1
•Connected speech in English •Stress placement in a sentence• Changes in pronunciation: contractions, elisions, assimilations, coalescences
Lesson 13 - Let’s speak fast! - Part 2
•Connected speech in English •Changes in pronunciation: weak forms, linking
Lesson 14 - Let’s speak fast! - Part 3
•Fast speech• Around “over” •Pronunciation of -ed endings •Around “word” •Around “yard”
Lesson 15 - Test Lessons 11 to 14
Review and Test of Lessons 11 to 14
Lesson 16 - Home conversation
•Filler words •Must or have to: to express obligation •Sense verbs• Sense verbs: active or state verbs? •Double comparative in idioms •Phrasal verbs: to put Phrasal •verbs: to get •Ellipses •Situational ellipses •Textual ellipses• Ellipses and substitutions •Home conversation 
Lesson 17 - Christmas Pudding - a British tradition
• Some phrasal verbs: to cut, to stand, to turn Imperatives: DOs and DON’Ts •Christmas Pudding Weight measures •Weights in cooking Liquid measures (volume) •Liquid measures in cooking Measuring objects Dried grapes Cooking verbs
Lesson 18 - I’ll be at the beach hut
•Adjectives ending in -ed and -ing• Sense verbs Structures followed by to-infinitives, bare infinitives and -ing forms •The present continuous infinitive, the perfect infinitive, the perfect continuous infinitive •Choosing the correct relative pronoun •Who or whom with prepositions? Some phrasal verbs: to keep, to go Talking about the future •Passive forms •Holidays in Israel• Travelling Alone, by myself, on my own• Around “to lie” Weather conditions: useful adjectives •To have + adjective + time
Lesson 19 - Seeing is believing
• “Used to” to express a past habit • “Would” to express the past• Defining relative clauses •Non-defining relative clauses• Must have + past participle •Still and anymore Ever Beliefs F•amous make-believe characters •Some noises humans make Around “to believe”, “to happen”, “to swear” •Around “mill” Beliefs and superstitions in Scotland
Lesson 20 - Test Lessons 16 to 19
Review and Test of Lessons 14 to 19 
Lesson 21 - On the roads of the United Kingdom
•Asking for and giving directions: useful sentences •The imperative to give directions• •Driving in the UK Around cars: glossary •Driving glossary Phrases related to driving and manoeuvres Pedestrian crossings in the UK Asking for and giving directions •Some road signs in the UK
Lesson 22 - The driving test
•Here, there, over here, over there •One, ones Phrasal verb “to run” •To get in or to get on a vehicle• Will for immediate intention •Closed questions, short answers Some verbs with “over” Phrasal verbs with “away” Emphatic imperative •Taking the driving test in the UK •Road lane markings in the UK Useful vocabulary: on the roads •Around “sight” Around “speed”
Lesson 23 - The pub - a British way of life
•Passive structures •Advanced passive structures with reporting verbs• Advanced passive structures with modals •Advanced passive structures with verbs followed by infinitives or gerunds• Conditional conjunctions •The pub: a British way of life •Pub culture •Drinks in a pub• Pub opening hours •Entertainment in a pub
Lesson 24 - Talking about the environment
•Gradable and non-gradable adjectives •Adverbs of degree •Adverbs of degree and adjectives •Adverbs of degree and adjectives: collocations• The environment: sources of energy•Environmental issues: lessening our carbon footprint
Lesson 25 - Test Lessons 21 to 24
Review and Test of Lessons 21 to 24 

 Lesson 26 - Talking to Rachel
•Question tags •Present perfect tense •Present perfect continuous tense Still, anymore and no longer • “Do” as an auxiliary in affirmative sentences •Phrasal verbs with “up” Matching adverbs and pronouns Compass points •Around “odd” •Marketing and advertising: useful vocabulary Around “joy” • Astronomy and the solar system: useful 
Lesson 27 - Talking to Rebecca
•Used to •Causative structures• The past perfect simple• The past perfect continuous •Phrasal verbs with “back” •A bit of geography: England •Accents in England Instruments and musicians• Types of music Working hours and shifts
Lesson 28 - Talking to Scott
•Separable or inseparable phrasal verbs •General knowledge: Scotland Geography of •Scotland Symbols, traditions and famous •Scots Important dates in the history of Scotland The Scottish economy •10 fun facts about Scotland
Lesson 29 - Talking to Wynne
•Phrasal verbs with "up" Phrasal verbs with "stand" and "run" Formal subjunctive General knowledge: Wales Geography of Wales Symbols and traditions in Wales Famous Welsh people •Bad friends Around "chip" The history of Wales •The Welsh economy Rugby 10 fun facts about Wales
Lesson 30 - Test Lessons 26 to 29
Review and Test of Lessons 26 to 29



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